Old man: "I'm not dead!!"
T O N G !
Yo, this here's a very premature page that shall eventually be home of my TONG! project.
[added much later: note the new site here: www.nongnu.org/tong ...I should probably make this page a redirect, huh?]

Tetris meets Pong, and a hellofalotof options (that's what the '!' is for) Tetris and Pong happen in the same area, but the really interesting stuff happens when the ball hits the tetrad. Does it rotate or push the piece? Break the piece or stick to it, making it a different shape? Bounce away or pass through? Or split in two? Three? Or does the ball vanish? Or the tetrad? Or both? These rules and many others, do they change throughout the game? At a set or random time interval or upon certain events? Does clearing multiple lines at a time earn extra balls or make you juggle more at once? It's all totally customizable, with plenty of presets ranging from a rather straight game to a very silly, almost incomprehensible game that tests your adaptability!

TONG! is an idea a couple friends and I came up with ... almost four years ago now. As soon as I picked up some basic C++, I started writing working on a version of the game in DOS. Other kings said it was daft to build a game in DOS, but I built it all the same. Just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, (much later) I built a Windows one. That sank into the swamp. So now I heard about the Indrema, started concocting an OpenGL version, and now Indrema has burned down, run out of funding and fallen into the swamp but my java one ... well, we'll see if it stays up. I haven't done much on it yet. No screenshots. No code to download. But here's an incomplete feature list as I see it:
[added much later: woah, I totally forgot about the Java version. That went nowhere. I forgot about the OpenGL false start too. Yikes! It's the fifth, not the third, version of TONG that finally came to pass!] I may open-source the project once I've made a respectable amount of progress. The original vision was that it would be a killer Nintendo64 game, and that could still conceivably happen at least via emulation. The Indrema would have been the perfect console for this game, but like so many good ideas, it died. Fortunately, TONG! itself, a good idea that has died several times, hasn't cost me anything but time and brain cells, so it still has a good chance of coming around.
[added much later: Wow. Well it is open-source now, and does run on the Dreamcast with a little twiddling. I pushed all those advanced options off for TONG 2, which according to history is about ten years away.]